How to apply for Student Benefit
How you apply will depends on whether you have studied before and your nationality.
Students from England
Most full-time and part-time students can apply online to Student Finance England.
Set up a student finance online account.
Log in and complete the online application.
Include your household income if needed. Your parent or partner will be asked to confirm these details.
Send in proof of identity, if needed.
If you cannot apply online, use the form finder to get the forms you need. You can call Student Finance England if you want to apply online but you cannot use a computer without help.
Continuing students from England
You’re a continuing student if you are:
- moving on to the next year of your course
- repeating a year of the same course or returning to a course after taking time out
- transferring onto a new course from your old course
You should log in to your student finance account and apply online.
Don’t make a limit to the possibilities of studying due to lack of resources. You could meet the requirements to apply for student benefits assigned by the UK government. Check if you’re eligible
If you’re returning to study after taking time out for personal reasons
There’s a different process if you have studied for more than one year before and you’re going back to your studies after stopping your course because of personal reasons. This could be for things like if you were ill, pregnant, caring for someone or someone close to you died.
You should log in to your student finance account and apply online.
You must also send a letter explaining why you suspended your studies with supporting evidence.
The letter must include:
- your customer reference number for student finance
- an explanation of your situation and why you had to suspend your studies
Supporting evidence can include:
- a letter from your doctor or social services on headed paper
- a letter from your university or college on headed paper
- copies of birth or death certificates
You might need to send more than one piece of evidence if it helps you to show why you stopped your course.
Use your online account to send the letter and evidence to Student Finance England, or send it by post.
Student Finance England
PO Box 210
Student Finance England will send you a letter confirming how much you’ll get, usually within 8 weeks.
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
There’s a different process for students from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
New EU students
If you’re applying for tuition fee support and help with living costs, apply online.
If you’re applying for tuition fee support only, apply by post.
You’ll get a letter confirming how much you’ll get, usually within 6 weeks.
Continuing EU students
If you’re applying for tuition fee support and help with living costs, apply online.
If you’re applying for tuition fee support only, you’ll be sent application forms to fill in and return by post. Check your address is up to date in your student finance account.